Distributed in three phases over the course of 2020-21, 世界杯官方app received an estimated total of $176.400万年 联邦HEERF资金. 对于每个分配, institutions were required to designate a percentage of funds to emergency student financial aid and grants.

HEERF 1 The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act)

$14.8M 机构的支持
$14.8M 学生资助
$2.2M 恒生指数支持*
$31.8M 总资金

HEERF 2 The Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA Act)

$34.7M 机构的支持
$14.8M 学生资助
$3.2M 恒生指数支持*
$52.7M 总资金

HEERF 3 美国救援计划(ARP)

$43.1M 机构的支持
$43.5M 学生资助
$5.3M 恒生指数支持*
$91.9M 总资金

*拥有 西班牙裔服务机构(HSI) designation such as 世界杯官方app received additional targeted support from the U.S. Department of Education’s Strengthening Institutions Program. 世界杯官方app is using these funds for online research technology infrastructure, 学生补助金和教室升级的数字模式.


Beyond the funds designated for student emergency financial aid, 世界杯官方app utilized institutional support funds to provide student refunds, 专门赠款和更多紧急援助. Institutional funds were also used on a wide variety of student success initiatives to help with remote learning, 技术需求, mental health and physical infrastructure for in-person learning activities.

1 - 14美元.8M

百分比 金额($)
机构的支持 100% 14,828,443
额外学生资助补助金 39% 5,843,837
部分偿还住房退款 28% 4,142,478
技术津贴 20% 3,033,500
运动员COVID-19检测 6% 946,000
技术基础设施 6% 862,628

2美元- 34美元.7M

百分比 金额($)
机构的支持 100% 34,738,590
额外学生资助补助金 26% 9,041,850
虚拟桌面接口/Wi-Fi支持 21% 7,200,000
数字化/混合教学的革新 17% 6,000,000
远程劳动力设备升级 9% 3,000,000
间接成本回收 7% 2,283,000
应急管理费用 6% 2,000,000
维修建筑物以改善空气流通 6% 2,000,000
为新生提供技术资助 5% 1,663,740
学生服务办公室的临时助手 1% 500,000
在线课程教学设计师 1% 500,000
学生支持-医疗服务 1% 300,000
学生支持-在线辅导 1% 250,000

Heerf 3 - 43美元.1M

百分比 金额($)
机构的支持 100% 43,094,802*







世界杯官方app下载 (世界杯官方app) acknowledges it signed and returned to the U.S. Department of Education the Certification and Agreement on April 13, 2020, and gives the assurance that 世界杯官方app has used more than 50% of funds received under section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students.

  1. The total amount of funds 世界杯官方app received on May 1, 2020, from the U.S. Department of Education for distribution to students, is $14,828,444.
  2. The total amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants distributed to students under section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act as of February 1, 2021, is $14,828,444.
  3. The estimated total number of students at 世界杯官方app eligible to participate in programs under section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and thus eligible to receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants under section 18004(a)(1) of the Cares Act is21,486*.
    *The number of eligible students excludes those ineligible for Title IV aid (e.g.,非学位学生,非美国学生.S. 公民, 学业进展不理想, not in default for any federal student loans) as well as those enrolled exclusively in online programs prior to March 13, 2020, 哪个是美国?.S. Department of Education deemed ineligible to receive CARES Act funds
  4. The total number of students who received an Emergency Financial Aid Grant under section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act is 15,304.
  5. The methods used to determine which and how many students receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants are as follows. 世界杯官方app created an online grant application in which each student indicated:1) whether they had been impacted financially by the Coronavirus, 2) whether they submitted a FAFSA or completed the attestation certification on the online emergency aid application and 3) what specific financial needs they have in each area (food-related expenses, 与住房相关的费用, 与费用, 与技术有关的费用, 健康/ childcare-related费用). 财政援助 & Scholarships office evaluated the applications based on the information provided, and they awarded funds based on each student’s identified needs and the availability of funding. Provided that the students were eligible to receive funds and identified legitimate needs, 补助金最高可达$1,500 were automatically approved for the Spring and Summer 2020 semesters. To ensure the availability of funds for as many needy students as possible, mid-level managers and senior administrators reviewed requests exceeding $1,500 to determine the necessity for and feasibility of providing larger awards. For Fall 2020 students who had not previously received CARES funding in Spring or Summer, 2020年将获得最高600美元. Students who previously received CARES in Spring or Summer 2020 and who request additional funding in Fall will receive a maximum of $300. To assist students who are still experiencing difficulties due to the pandemic, 我们将2021年春季的资助金额增加到3美元,620 based on students’ identified needs and the availability of funding, provided that the students were eligible to receive the funds.
  6. 的指令, 方向, or guidance provided by 世界杯官方app to all students concerning the Emergency Financial Aid Grants are: