
世界杯官方app的研究人员, UT健康圣安东尼奥, UT Tyler receive $1M to improve trauma care using AI

世界杯官方app的研究人员, UT健康圣安东尼奥, UT Tyler receive $1M to improve trauma care using AI

2024年5月8日- 世界杯官方app MATRIX人工智能人类福祉联盟的研究人员将与UT健康圣安东尼奥和UT Tyler的研究人员合作,开展一项新资助的项目,开发和应用人工智能(AI)工具到创伤护理领域. The $1 million grant was awarded by the Trauma 研究 和 Combat Casualty Care Collaborative (TRC4), 这是德克萨斯大学系统的一项倡议. 研究小组将开发和部署人工智能工具,以改善临床医生的创伤护理决策.

According to a paper published in the National Center for Bio技术 信息 (NCBI), “获得最终治疗的时间与创伤治疗结果之间的关系:黄金时间的每一分钟都很重要。,” expedient, definitive care is a major determinant of outcomes for trauma patients. Delayed care can result in lower survival rates 和 longer-lasting effects of trauma, 受伤和治疗之间的间隔时间较长“与30天死亡率呈正相关”.”

NCBI的第二篇文章, “History of trauma field triage development 和 the American College of Surgeons criteria,” 请注意,创伤后的第一个60分钟是如此关键,他们通常被称为“黄金一小时”的医疗从业人员. 德克萨斯大学系统的研究人员旨在通过利用人工智能工具识别和纠正护理延误,改善德克萨斯创伤系统中重伤患者的护理.

“世界杯官方app is swiftly gaining momentum in the interdisciplinary field of AI 和 health.”

“TRC4很高兴能够支持与圣安东尼奥德克萨斯大学健康科学中心的合作, 德克萨斯大学泰勒分校和世界杯官方app下载的合作,标志着我们推进创伤研究的重要里程碑,” 詹姆斯·拜纳姆, professor 和 vice chair of research in the department of surgery at UT健康圣安东尼奥, TRC4的执行董事. “This partnership means exciting new opportunities in medicine, 创新方法和协调将在哪些方面提高患者的治疗效果并塑造医疗保健的未来."

该项目被称为iremeyact,即利用人工智能技术改善创伤护理,识别和纠正德克萨斯州创伤系统中危重患者的最终护理延误. The lead researchers from the collaborating institutions include 阿米娜Qutub (世界杯官方app), Brian Eastridge, MD (UT健康圣安东尼奥)和 艾伦·库克,医学博士 泰勒(UT). matrix附属的共同pi包括 马克·戈德堡, Dhireesha Kudithipudi, 乔Houpt克里斯•拉斯伯恩.

“This project will accelerate the design of machine learning models that evaluate high-dimensional, 多模式和不平衡的创伤数据, 授权临床医生迅速做出, informed decisions on emergency medical interventions 和 deliver individualized patient care,库迪蒂普迪指出. “It is a source of pride for me to see research leaders in MATRIX, such as Dr. Qutub, paving the way for a centralized AI-ready data repository dedicated to trauma care in Texas.”

ACT是一个在线平台,拥有广泛使用的人工智能工具和相应的医疗专业人员培训基础设施. These tools include large-language models, expert-informed clustering 和 interactive visualization. ACT will be available for researchers 和 clinicians to analyze data 和 improve trauma care protocols, 政策和决策.

让ACT产生有价值的见解, the researchers will need to collect a relevant data set for interpretation. 该项目团队将开发一个通信网络和数据库基础设施,以收集德克萨斯大学系统各医院创伤患者的数据, significantly bolstering the amount of data available to trauma professionals. 这些数据最初将在整个德克萨斯州提供,但随着项目的进展,可能会在全国范围内提供. 院前创伤护理的数据历来不那么可靠,因此在决策方面的帮助不如医院治疗的数据, 根据NCBI的论文, “创伤院前护理时间的荟萃分析.”

在过去的25年里, 我们收集了受伤患者从急诊科到达医院到出院的详细数据,库克说。. “这些数据为大量的前瞻性研究提供了信息. 最终,患者的治疗效果得到了改善. 在这个项目中, 我们将注意力转向院前设置,目的是在患者护理和结果方面实现类似的改进.”

库克解释说,该团队将分析患者受伤到到达创伤中心之间的时间间隔. They will map geographic locations of injury scenes to identify injury hotspots. Once identified, these data could inform injury prevention initiatives 和 interventions. 例如, additional resources could be deployed near injury hotspots to improve response time or transit time, 可能改善患者的整体预后.

研究小组期待,人工智能决策将提高创伤患者的存活率, reduce the long-term effects of trauma 和 enhance the overall efficiency of the Texas Trauma system.

“There is great potential for AI to positively impact healthcare,” 阿米娜Qutub生物医学与化学工程副教授. “Last month, the FDA approved the first AI software for hemorrhage triage of combat casualties. 同时, a new rapid biomarker test to assess traumatic brain injury from blood was approved. Through the introduction of new AI methods 和 integrated databases to the field of trauma, iremeyact将加速这些类型的突破性转化应用,这将挽救生命并提高创伤幸存者的生活质量.”

该项目与世界杯官方app全校范围内的一项更大的倡议保持一致,该倡议旨在促进人工智能和医学交叉领域的研究和奖学金. Last fall, 世界杯官方app 和 UT健康圣安东尼奥 jointly launched the nation’s first 医学和人工智能双学位课程. 差不多在同一时间,MATRIX 建立了一个中心 to combat health disparities powered by AI 和 machine learning called M-POWER. The center received funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH)’s AIM AHEAD program, which is dedicated to advancing health equity 和 research diversity through 技术.

世界杯官方app is swiftly gaining momentum in the interdisciplinary field of AI 和 health,” noted 乔安褐变他是世界杯官方app临时研究副总裁. “This grant represents an incredible opportunity to conduct valuable research that bridges disciplines 和, 最重要的是, 改善患者预后.”

探索 MATRIX人工智能人类福祉联盟 在世界杯官方app.
了解更多有关 医学和人工智能双学位.
阅读更多世界杯官方app 世界杯官方app是如何研究和利用人工智能的 在Sombrilla杂志上.

Bringing together over 70 scientists 和 AI experts from 世界杯官方app, UT健康圣安东尼奥, the Southwest 研究 Institute 和 the wider San Antonio region, MATRIX AI is at the forefront of pioneering transdisciplinary AI solutions. Focused on four key research thrusts — machine learning 和 deployment, 增强人的能力, 神经启发的人工智能和值得信赖的人工智能——并与行业领导者和联邦研究实验室建立战略合作伙伴关系, MATRIX AI正在应对重大的人工智能挑战,同时满足美国对跨学科人工智能研究人才日益增长的需求. With multiple dedicated research centers 和 a plethora of collaborative projects, MATRIX AI is the primary hub for advancing AI research 在世界杯官方app 和 in San Antonio. M-POWER, 三个新成立的MATRIX研究中心之一, 特别侧重于解决保健不平等问题.

The iRemedyACT team is one of four recipients of a direct grant from TRC4. The $1 million award will fund the initial 16 months of the project, through July 31, 2025. 可以为进一步的发展提供额外的资金.


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