摄影 & 数字媒体

世界杯官方app西南, we have an exceptional facility for teaching traditional and non-traditional imaging. Students receive a solid technical foundation in photography, combined with opportunities to learn innovative techniques, 历史和数字.

越来越多地, digital imaging has become a powerful tool in helping artists express their creative vision and digitally produced art has opened new vistas for innovative expression for many exhibiting artists.


Classes not listed here will either have required 材料 in the class description, discuss needed 材料 during the first class, 或者材料会被提供.

Class details (meeting times, tuition, etc.)列出如下.



Limited open studio time for students to practice will be determined at the beginning of each term; dates and times will be discussed in class and posted on studio doors. Students should be respectful to monitors and observe all studio policies and practices. Open studio is intended for students to practice what is covered in class and not for production purposes.


Classes are open-enrollment to the community. Class registration is a simple process. Read '如何登记' below to get started. Click here to view all registration policies and guidelines, including information on payments, class withdraws and cancellations, refunds, and more.

  • Click the '现在注册' button below to begin the registration process.
  • Click onto 'Sign In' at the top right side of the page.
  • To sign in, enter your user name and 密码. 如果你没有账户, you can create one quickly by specifying a user name, 密码, 和电子邮件地址.
  • 导航到你想要的课程. Click the 'Add to Cart' button associated with the course.
  • After completing the registration process and remitting payment, you will receive an email containing your registration confirmation.

现在注册  类目录




Make your photographs more dynamic by using simple techniques and compositional tools. Gain a sound understanding of basic camera functions to give you more creative control of your manual 35mm film or digital SLR camera. Discussions will center on focus settings, 焦距, 曝光, 构图的安排, 相机的角度, and other strategies for making successful photographs. The instructor will work with you individually to solve specific problems.


This class is designed for photographers who have no previous darkroom experience or those who want to expand their knowledge of the darkroom. 了解黑色 & 白色胶片的冲洗和印刷, 躲避和焚烧指纹, 爽肤水, 打印修饰, 还有印刷整理. 相机处理的基本要素, 计量, 眼镜配件, 相机配件, and composition issues will be explained and demonstrated. Intermediate-level photographers will be encouraged to achieve better mastery over their equipment, 材料, 还有印刷技巧. Students should have a manual adjustable 35mm film camera.



学习如何组织, 管理, and edit your digital images like a pro with Adobe Lightroom®—the best all-in-one solution for photographers. You will build a foundational understanding of Lightroom’s most powerful tools and learn how Lightroom may be a better alternative to Photoshop for your image editing workflow. This class will primarily focus on Lightroom Classic (desktop-optimized) with a general overview of Lightroom CC® (browser-based). 参见网站上的材料列表.


Discover new avenues of creativity and expression with digital painting and compositing tools in Adobe Photoshop. Students will learn the fundamental concepts and standard practices of digital image creation, 重点是数字绘画, 插图, 和拼贴画. Explore the digital image-making process from start to finish and become proficient at importing sketches and photo references, using customized Photoshop drawing and painting tools and various techniques of layering 和拼贴画. The instructor will provide both general class instruction and individual assistance with personal projects to help you bring your visions to life. Prerequisite: Some working knowledge of computers, drawing and painting is helpful but not required.


This class is a low-tech approach to creating a stop motion short for both artists or educators; it’s a fun way to add the design elements of time and motion to your art. No previous filmmaking experience or digital editing skills are needed. Create a basic short film animating paper cut-out forms that are hand-drawn. Backdrops can be painted or made with photographs. The workshop will cover storyboarding, capturing frames, editing, soundtracks, and exporting. Content approaches are flexible from a traditional narrative to being more intuitive. Students will need to download a free source app to their phone or tablet (iOS or Android compatible); see website for 材料 list.

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